Homeschool Planner

homeschool planning, simplified.

Get organized with our all-in-one BUJO-inspired printable planner and recordkeeping binder.

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Homeschool planning and recordkeeping doesn’t have to be nearly as complicated or as stressful as it may seem — even if you’re new to this whole organization thing.

The All-in-One Homeschool Planning and Recordkeeping Binder is specifically designed to help homeschooling families like you establish a structured, yet flexible plan that is customizable to your specific needs.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Let’s face it, homeschooling can be exhausting. You desperately want to be able to savor the experience, learning and adventuring alongside your children.

But making sure you’re in compliance with state standards, juggling different lesson plans for multiple children, and navigating how to keep the rest of the household in order can be stressful, to say the least.

You have lofty homeschooling goals but tend to get bogged down by the day-to-day stuff that needs done.

You have multiple children working with different curricula and can’t ever seem to find a system to keep all the things organized.

You worry about keeping a detailed homeschooling record for both personal and legal reasons.

What if you could…

Save time and energy by streamlining your homeschool and household planning and organization by utilizing a flexible binder system that keeps all your important information in one easily accessible location?


the all-in-one homeschool planning and recordkeeping printable binder

Get instant access to more than 200+ planning and organization sheets that will assist your family in establishing a structured environment and building good habits. 

Here’s what you’ll get

  • A complete year’s worth of annual and monthly overviews, weekly work plans customizable for up to 6 children as well as two-page weekly spreads that encourage you to prioritize the most important tasks for your family.
  • Comprehensive curriculum planning and recording sheets, including a two-page curriculum resources overview sheet, individual planning sheets for special topics, including Artist Study, Composer Study, Poet Study, Continent Study, Constellations Study, Grace + Courtesy, Handicrafts, and Life Skills. You’ll also receive specially designed sheets to track your family’s favorite books, movies, and games each year.
  • Household management planning and organization sheets, including one-page monthly cleaning checklists to help you stay on top of household tasks as well as a themed meal planner to assist in meal prep and organization.
  • Several nature study resources, including a two-page Outdoor Hours log, a phenology wheel calendar, and a Charlotte Mason-inspired Calendar of Firsts to record your family’s first sightings of different birds, insects, flowers, and plants each year.
  • A self-care bundle focused exclusively on you! Track your personal goals, record your favorite podcasts, fill in a monthly gratitude log, and work on building good habits. Use 100-day and 52-week challenge sheets to keep you on track throughout the year.

you’ll also receive the following bonus materials:

observation sheet

Keep observation sheets nearby to jot down topics your children express an interest in or log any questions they ask that could lead to further exploration.

monthly wreaths

Print and display a new wreath for every month of the year. Use them for nature-related study, such as weather observation or temperature recordings, or as a simple habit tracker.

inspirational quotes

Receive 3 inspirational quote prints that can be lovingly displayed in your home for those days when you may be in need of extra reassurance or guidance on your homeschooling journey.


And it takes a whole lot less effort than heading into each week unorganized and saves you precious time worrying about the cleanliness of your home, stressing to get dinner on the table every evening, or having to juggle multiple curricula and lessons for different children. 

 Instead of paying for a bound planner every year that doesn’t provide the flexibility your family needs, you can pay one time and have planning and organization printables you can use for life! That’s a pretty sweet deal, right? 

  • Eliminate stress about not finishing your “To Do” list. By adopting a bullet journaling system approach to checklists, you can mark items as started, completed, migrated, or canceled. Didn’t get to Geography on Tuesday? No worries, simply migrate the lesson to another day.
  • Say goodbye to an overwhelming list of things that need to be done every day. Instead, get into the habit of prioritizing the top 3 most important things to do each day, so you can finally experience a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis.
  • Set up a weekly work plan for each of your children, allowing them to begin taking ownership of their own education. They’ll learn important life skills like time management, personal responsibility, self-motivation, and accountability along the way.
  • Record tasks your children complete on a daily basis. No more looking back at the day and thinking, “Ugh, we didn’t get any formal schooling accomplished!” Your written list will speak volumes about how engaged your children were and how much learning actually happened.

get organized now.

Start using a planning system that provides both structure and flexibility, one that is completely customizable to your family’s specific needs year after year. 

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This is for you if…

  • You want a perpetual planner that you can print and customize each year to meet your family’s specific needs.
  • You’re interested in implementing a bullet journal-inspired approach to planning and organizing but do not have the time to create your own spreads.
  • You would like to have a written record of your children’s schooling at home, either for sentimental, practical, or legal reasons.

This is not for you if…

  • You are looking for a dated weekly planner that’s already assembled.
  • You prefer a digital planning system.

Want a closer look? You can find a more in-depth preview of the All-in-One Homeschool Planning and Recordkeeping binder here.

Hey, I’m jillian.

I’m a homeschooling mama of two young children who’s trying to make the most of every precious moment we have together. I’ve always been a pretty unorganized, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants gal, but since having children I’ve discovered having a flexible plan in place helps keep our family sane.

I’m passionate about child-led learning and progressive education. When I’m not homeschooling, you’ll find me DIY’ing things around the house alongside my wonderful husband, Eric, or making plans to start learning a hundred and one new hobbies — gardening, knitting, brush painting, felting, you name it! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I re-use this planner next year?

Definitely! Aside from the Year at a Glance pages, everything else — including the monthly overviews and weekly spreads — is designed to be perpetual. Ultimately, this means you’ll save money not having to purchase a new planner year after year!

Can I use this planner if I do not homeschool?

While it was specifically designed to meet the needs of homeschooling families, the All-in-One Homeschooling and Recordkeeping Binder can easily be used as a regular planner for any individual. If you do not homeschool, simply ignore the Curriculum Planning and Overview folder when you go to print. The weekly work plans can be effortlessly used to set up your week ahead, rather than your children’s.

Don’t see the answer to your question here? Send a message and I’ll get back to you in a jiffy.

get organized now.

Simplify your homeschooling and homemaking planning and organization method so you have the time and patience to be more fully present for your family.

yes, please!

© Free and Unfettered